Raising Local Culture, Pangandaran Regency Government Continues to Finalize the 2022 Pan Asia Hash Event 

    Raising Local Culture, Pangandaran Regency Government Continues to Finalize the 2022 Pan Asia Hash Event 

    PANGANDARAN WEST JAVA INDONESIA - The Regent of Pangandaran, H Jeje Wiradinata attended a coordination meeting for the preparation of the Pangandaran Pan Asia Hash for 2022, at The Allure Villa on Wednesday (28/09/2022). 

    Present on the occasion, the Regional Secretary of Pangandaran Regency, Dr. Drs. Kusdiana, MM, Assistant for Government and People's Welfare Rida Nirwana, S.Sos., M.Si, Assistant for Economics and Development of Pangandaran Regency, Drs. H. Dadang Dimyati, and the Head of the Pangandaran Regency SKPD and his staff, the President Director of PT. PMB, representatives of BI Tasikmalaya and their staff, the Pan Asia Hash Committee. 

    The Pangandaran Regency Government is ready to host the 2022 Pan Asia Hash event. This statement was conveyed by the Pangandaran Regency Secretary, Dr. Drs. H. Kusdiana, M.M in a coordination meeting. "I will inform you that the infrastructure and other facilities are ready to date, all properties have been prepared 100%, we are just waiting for guests, " he said. 

    Based on the results of the meeting, it is known that the Pan Asia Hash activity will be held for three days from 7 to 9 October 2022, while the arrival of participants to Pangandaran on 6 October 2022. Meanwhile, the field survey will be carried out on 2-3 October 2022. 

    The upcoming Pan Asia Hash participants are known to be around 5, 000 participants from 26 countries. Meanwhile, those who will be invited to the opening (welcome party) and closing (farewell party) Pan Asia Hash invite 100 VIPs, the opening ceremony is by beating drums/drums by 7 West Java Regents, Deputy Regents, representatives of the Ministry, West Java Provincial Government, and the Pan Asia Committee. Hashes. 

    The Pangandaran Regional Secretary, also said that there would be East Priangan SMEs and Pangandaran SMEs side by side with the Hash Bazar stand. 

    The Regent on this occasion advised that MSMEs must display quality products for sale with the aim of introducing local products. 

    The Pangandaran Regent in an interview said that the difference between the Pan Asia Hash event and China in 2019 would certainly be different from Pangandaran, "I know the weakness of the last event, I think we can learn what we lack in time in China and can do better in Pangandaran. 

    If in China the local culture was not too displayed, now we in Pangandaran will display and highlight local culture, " he said. 

    Furthermore, the Regent said, "The point is we raise the name Pangandaran, as well as promote Pangandaran tourism, nature and so on, Pan Hash is an investment, we design it in such a way for the progress of Pangandaran tourism, " He Said. (Anton AS)

    pangandaran west java indonesia
    Anton Atong Sugandhi

    Anton Atong Sugandhi

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